Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Four Reasons to Smoke An Fifty-One Electronic Cigarette

If you smoke tobacco cigarettes, odds are that you worry about the many downsides associated with your habit. After all, even if tobacco cigarettes didn’t contain thousands of cancer causing chemicals and weren’t sapping your health, there would still be several serious negatives. Tobacco cigarettes yellow your teeth, hands and walls, and produce an offensive odor that can often cause the non-smoking population to avoid you. Anti-smoking laws have forced smokers to confine their habit to the smallest and most private of places. Luckily, if you’ve been considering an alternative to tobacco cigarettes, you’ll be pleased to learn about a ground breaking new product called Fifty-One™.


Fifty-One™ is an electronic cigarette. Instead of burning tobacco, Fifty-One™ provides you the smoking enjoyment you’re accustomed to by electronically atomizing nicotine into an odorless non-staining vapor. Fifty-One™ is battery operated, and each starter pack comes with a charger and two batteries, so one is always charging while the other is in use. You never have to worry about dead batteries getting in the way of enjoyment. Many smokers might not realize the positive impact switching to Fifty-One™ can have on their lives. If you’ve been considering an electronic cigarette like Fifty-One™, but you still need a few reasons, here are five great ones to switch to Fifty-One™.


Smoke Virtually Anywhere, Anytime You Have a Craving

Let’s face it - there are essentially only two kinds of public places in the world: those that have banned smoking and those that will eventually. While there will certainly be establishments that refuse to submit, if the current trend continues, it seems like smokers will soon have nowhere left to smoke legally. However, because Fifty-One™ produces nothing but an odorless, harmless vapor, many establishments that refuse to allow tobacco cigarettes will have no problem with you enjoying a puff indoors. In fact, some trendy night clubs in London have already made this their official policy. Over time, it’s likely that even more public places will allow Fifty-One™. One place you’ll really notice the difference is when you’re visiting a friend’s house. Whereas it might have been poor taste to even ask a nonsmoker if you could smoke inside their home, once you’re friends learn how truly inoffensive Fifty-One™ is, you’ll probably be able to enjoy your friend’s company throughout the night, without having to excuse yourself for a cigarette. Because you won’t have to excuse yourself to step outside, you won’t feel socially stigmatized for being a smoker. It’s the perfect way to avoid smoking bans. Plus, you won’t have to suffer through the heat, cold, snow and rain, just to satisfy your cravings. 


No Second Hand Smoke from an Electronic Cigarette = No Health Problems for those Around You

If the vapor from Fifty-One™ is safer for you, you can rest assured that it’s also safer for those around you. No smoker likes to think that their second hand smoke could be a contributing cause to someone’s illness, especially if that someone is a close relative or friend, but the odorless vapor produced by Fifty-One™ is far safer for those around you. In fact, the “smoke” that this electronic cigarette produces is actually more than ninety percent water vapor. You don’t have to feel guilty about the effects that second hand smoke might have on those around you. In fact, you can even use Fifty-One™ in the presence of children without exposing them to the potential health risks associated with second hand smoke. This is great news to parents who might be worried about the effect their tobacco cigarettes might have on their children.


No Yellow Teeth

Every one wants to look their best, but for smokers, the habit can often get in the way because smoking cigarettes stains the teeth and fingers. Many smokers are self-conscious about their yellow teeth, but usually no amount of brushing can overcome the daily staining process that smoking tobacco cigarettes cause. For many, there seems little point in having their teeth whitened, only to watch them yellow again over time. The vapor of Fifty-One™ won’t turn your teeth ugly colors. With its three ingredients, and vapor like consistency, Fifty-One™ can help you reverse the cycle and look your best. Now when you meet people, they won’t know that you smoke as soon as you open your mouth or smile. This can be a huge help not only in social settings, but in job interviews and other instances when looking and feeling your best is important.


Stop smelling like an ashtray

Finally, as if the rest weren’t enough, this electronic cigarette is completely odorless. You can satisfy your cravings without smelling like a wet cigarette. Many nonsmokers are completely turned off by the smell of smoking. Now you can get kissably close to almost anyone, because Fifty-One™ can free you from the tell tale stench of tobacco. These are only four of the many reasons why people everywhere are turning on the benefits of switching to Fifty-One™. When you’ve tried Fifty-One™ for yourself, don’t be surprised at how many other great benefits you discover.

Switching to Fifty-OneTM is easy, click here to choose an Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit that is right for you.



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