Thursday, 28 February 2013

Fifty-One™ — The Best Smoking Alternative

Host of Other Issues with Most Smoking Alternatives

In actuality switching to smokeless cigarettes really just means a different set of problems. Instead of ashtrays, the signature of smokeless tobacco users is the spit bottle. If you thought spilling an ashtray caused a mess, just wait until you have to find a way to get the stain and stench of concentrated tobacco out of your carpet or favorite shirt. Not only that, but smokeless tobacco stains the user’s teeth worse than even tobacco cigarettes do. Furthermore, smokeless tobacco is really not healthier than a cigarette. After all, you’re still ingesting tobacco, the primary ingredient in cigarettes. Whether smoked or chewed, tobacco is still a drug that causes serious health risks. While it might be true that you’ll be at a lower risk for lung cancer, that risk is replaced by the chance of contracting mouth or throat cancer, which is just as bad, if not worse. So, switching to smokeless tobacco isn’t really an alternative at all. Now, there’s a real smoking alternative that can legitimately help alleviate the many problems that smoking can cause. This revolutionary new method of nicotine satisfaction smokeless cigarette is called Fifty-One™.

 Fifty-One™ is an electronic cigarette. It provides nicotine to users without fire, flame, or any tobacco at all. When you inhale on Fifty-One™ e-cigarette, a sensor detects it and activates high frequency patented technology that provides atomized nicotine in the form of a light, smoke-like vapor. It’s this vapor that makes Fifty-One™ e-cigarette so different from tobacco cigarettes. Tobacco smoke contains more than four thousand dangerous chemicals, such as ammonia, tar, and lead. This multitude of chemicals is a huge part of why cigarettes are so unhealthy, and many of these same dangerous substances can be found in smokeless tobacco, as well. By comparison, Fifty-One™ electronic cigarette has mainly three ingredients: water vapor, nicotine and propylene glycol (an additive commonly used in food coloring).

The health benefits involved here are immediate and obvious. Not only will you be free from the respiratory problems associated with smoking, but you’ll also be free from the serious risk of cancer. Instead of just debating about which health problems you should put your body at risk for, you can reduce that risk dramatically. Since Fifty-One™ is better for you, you can rest assured that it’s also better for those around you. The light, odorless, inoffensive vapor of Fifty-One™ ensures you won’t have to worry about second hand smoke or the potential health risks it can cause your friends and family. This can lift a huge burden of guilt. Moreover, though, since you’re not harming yourself or others, you won’t be stigmatized in the ways many tobacco users are. Plus, you’ll experience freedoms that no tobacco user knows. For starters, you’re breath won’t smell like an ashtray or a spittoon. The same is true of your clothes, your hair, your home, and your car. The light vapor of Fifty-One™ also won’t stain your teeth, so you can smile in confidence.

The Financial Savings

No matter what kind of tobacco you use, switching to Fifty-One™ can save you money. Cigarettes can cost as much as five or six dollars per pack, and smokeless tobacco can be even more. Fifty-One™ users pay less than fifteen dollars for the equivalent of seven to ten packs of cigarettes. At that rate, it wouldn’t take a smoker or a smokeless tobacco user long to notice a real impact on their budget. When you switch to Fifty-One™, you’ll realize that you can now truly satisfy your nicotine cravings wherever you’d like. While smokeless tobacco users have long considered themselves exempt from smoking bans, in many municipalities, this isn’t the case. Many laws ban tobacco in all forms, smoked or otherwise. Fifty-One™ contains no tobacco at all, and it also uses no fire or flame of any kind. As a result, you can use Fifty-One™ almost anywhere without breaking the law. Restaurants, bars, public parks, college campuses, and even the workplace don’t have to be off limits anymore. Fifty-One™ can be a real smoking alternative, not a temporary fix like smokeless tobacco. When you switch to Fifty-One™, you know that you’re protecting yourself from serious health risks, while at the same time ridding your life of the dozens of unfortunate side effects associated with tobacco cigarettes. When you realize that you can get the same satisfaction in a safer manner and at a fraction of the cost, the only thing you’ll be unsure about is why you didn’t try Fifty-One™ soon

Friday, 15 February 2013

Vapor Corp. Announces its New Electronic Cigarette Clearomizer!

Vapor Corp. Announces its New Electronic Cigarette Clearomizer!
The new VaporX electronic cigarette tankomizer is here! Also known as a clearomizer, the tank delivery system works very similar to a traditional electronic cigarette clearomizer. It uses a specially designed atomizing chamber with E-Juice tanks that can hold over 1.6 ML of your favorite liquid. That represents more than double the capacity of a traditional electronic cigarette cartomizer. This new electronic cigarette clearomizer fits VaporX models including the VaporX XL and the VaporX XRT.

This new product is the best Electronic Vaporizer clearomizer to vape your favorite E-juice. It can hold any oil including herbal and essential oils. The clear tank measuring scale lets you see the amount of E-juice/oil remaining in your clearomizer. The unique heating atomizer element in the chamber heats up your substance and distributes it properly.

These new clearomizers come in variety of colors so you can match your personal style while vaping with the best electronic cigarettes batteries on the market! If you are looking to fill the clearomizer with your own favorite E-juice, our blank clearomizers provide the best delivery system so you can make your own vaping masterpiece! 

As you look inside, you can see that there’s a silver rod covered with a silicone cap and extending from that cap are two short wicks with the atomizer on the bottom. These new clearomizers are very simple to fill and they provide plenty of vaping time between refills making them the easiest, longest lasting, most efficient vaping experience to date. If you already own a vaporizer, then you don’t have to make any adjustments from your old clearomizer to the new clearomizer. 

How to fill your VaporX tankomizer

  1. Unscrew the mouthpiece tip from the electronic cigarette clearomizer
  2. Fill the 1.6 ML clearomizer using your own E-juice by tilting the clearomizer at a slight angle and dripping your E-juice down the inside wall against the outer wall of the clearomizer.
  3. Do not drip the E-liquid into the center tube as it will leak out the bottom of clearomizer. Be sure to have a towel or any absorbent piece of cloth handy in case you leak it.
  4. Screw the tip back in the clearomizer.
  5. Please allow 1-2 minutes for the E-Juice to feed into the coil before you start to vaping. You can also roll the the clearomizer back and forth in your hand to help spread the E-juice around in the chamber. This part is optional.
  6. Screw on your electronic cigarette battery device and you’re ready to vape.

Affiliate Payouts up to 51% - The highest payout in the electronic cigarette industry!
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Vapor corp. manufactures and distributes the best ecigs online. We are the only publicly traded (OTCBB: VPCO) electronic cigarette company in the world. We were one of the original pioneers in bringing these vapor cigarettes to the USA. For more information about Vapor Corp. you can visit our site or by calling 1-888-766-5351.

How to Choose the Best E Cig

You may or may not have already decided to purchase the e cig and wanted to start looking around for the best deal. So what is the best deal? Certainly not necessary the cheapest and also the most expensive is no guarantee, it is of better quality than of any other. Let’s admit it; it’s going to be a new experience for you. All the different e cig offers out there may be confusing. So what kind of e cig are you really looking for?


An excellent e cig product, supplied by a company you can trust to provide service, quality and value. Here at vapor corp, we’ve researched over 80 types of makes & models of e cigs. To ensure that only the top quality components are used. Typically the lithium ion batteries usually come standard along with the processors being made by Motorola. The e cig vaporizers are made from the highest quality materials. The e cig refill cartridges are of the highest quality of e cig flavor containing only certified nicotine. Depending on the actual e cig model, some come with only 2 batteries to ensure that you don’t run out during that particular day, because you’d always leave one charging

 There’s a large range of e cig flavors out their including tobacco, strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, coffee, menthol to name just a few. We’ve done the research here at vapor corp ourselves on your behalf. We had the right prices, provide an unequal service and always answer the telephone. On a rare instance if you have to leave a message and we will replay to you. So, should you need more advice or you’d like to order know, please go to our site of Vapor corp. or you can feel free to give us a call at any time.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Four Reasons to Smoke An Fifty-One Electronic Cigarette

If you smoke tobacco cigarettes, odds are that you worry about the many downsides associated with your habit. After all, even if tobacco cigarettes didn’t contain thousands of cancer causing chemicals and weren’t sapping your health, there would still be several serious negatives. Tobacco cigarettes yellow your teeth, hands and walls, and produce an offensive odor that can often cause the non-smoking population to avoid you. Anti-smoking laws have forced smokers to confine their habit to the smallest and most private of places. Luckily, if you’ve been considering an alternative to tobacco cigarettes, you’ll be pleased to learn about a ground breaking new product called Fifty-One™.


Fifty-One™ is an electronic cigarette. Instead of burning tobacco, Fifty-One™ provides you the smoking enjoyment you’re accustomed to by electronically atomizing nicotine into an odorless non-staining vapor. Fifty-One™ is battery operated, and each starter pack comes with a charger and two batteries, so one is always charging while the other is in use. You never have to worry about dead batteries getting in the way of enjoyment. Many smokers might not realize the positive impact switching to Fifty-One™ can have on their lives. If you’ve been considering an electronic cigarette like Fifty-One™, but you still need a few reasons, here are five great ones to switch to Fifty-One™.


Smoke Virtually Anywhere, Anytime You Have a Craving

Let’s face it - there are essentially only two kinds of public places in the world: those that have banned smoking and those that will eventually. While there will certainly be establishments that refuse to submit, if the current trend continues, it seems like smokers will soon have nowhere left to smoke legally. However, because Fifty-One™ produces nothing but an odorless, harmless vapor, many establishments that refuse to allow tobacco cigarettes will have no problem with you enjoying a puff indoors. In fact, some trendy night clubs in London have already made this their official policy. Over time, it’s likely that even more public places will allow Fifty-One™. One place you’ll really notice the difference is when you’re visiting a friend’s house. Whereas it might have been poor taste to even ask a nonsmoker if you could smoke inside their home, once you’re friends learn how truly inoffensive Fifty-One™ is, you’ll probably be able to enjoy your friend’s company throughout the night, without having to excuse yourself for a cigarette. Because you won’t have to excuse yourself to step outside, you won’t feel socially stigmatized for being a smoker. It’s the perfect way to avoid smoking bans. Plus, you won’t have to suffer through the heat, cold, snow and rain, just to satisfy your cravings. 


No Second Hand Smoke from an Electronic Cigarette = No Health Problems for those Around You

If the vapor from Fifty-One™ is safer for you, you can rest assured that it’s also safer for those around you. No smoker likes to think that their second hand smoke could be a contributing cause to someone’s illness, especially if that someone is a close relative or friend, but the odorless vapor produced by Fifty-One™ is far safer for those around you. In fact, the “smoke” that this electronic cigarette produces is actually more than ninety percent water vapor. You don’t have to feel guilty about the effects that second hand smoke might have on those around you. In fact, you can even use Fifty-One™ in the presence of children without exposing them to the potential health risks associated with second hand smoke. This is great news to parents who might be worried about the effect their tobacco cigarettes might have on their children.


No Yellow Teeth

Every one wants to look their best, but for smokers, the habit can often get in the way because smoking cigarettes stains the teeth and fingers. Many smokers are self-conscious about their yellow teeth, but usually no amount of brushing can overcome the daily staining process that smoking tobacco cigarettes cause. For many, there seems little point in having their teeth whitened, only to watch them yellow again over time. The vapor of Fifty-One™ won’t turn your teeth ugly colors. With its three ingredients, and vapor like consistency, Fifty-One™ can help you reverse the cycle and look your best. Now when you meet people, they won’t know that you smoke as soon as you open your mouth or smile. This can be a huge help not only in social settings, but in job interviews and other instances when looking and feeling your best is important.


Stop smelling like an ashtray

Finally, as if the rest weren’t enough, this electronic cigarette is completely odorless. You can satisfy your cravings without smelling like a wet cigarette. Many nonsmokers are completely turned off by the smell of smoking. Now you can get kissably close to almost anyone, because Fifty-One™ can free you from the tell tale stench of tobacco. These are only four of the many reasons why people everywhere are turning on the benefits of switching to Fifty-One™. When you’ve tried Fifty-One™ for yourself, don’t be surprised at how many other great benefits you discover.

Switching to Fifty-OneTM is easy, click here to choose an Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit that is right for you.